29 April 2009

Feels good...

Yesterday game against the mens was great. I managed to play better ever since NSL started. Perhaps I could get the balls when I did my movements in the circle and finished the shots in the end. The feeling was undescribeable. =) There're more improvements to be done and I will try to play like an Aussie!

27 April 2009



20 April 2009

为什麽做人要这麽幸苦? 想每一天过个快乐的日子都困难?凭白无故的被排斥。到底踩到她那根筋? 真希望总有一天我所发的白日梦都会实现!

19 April 2009

Yes!!! Finally it's over.

Yesterday was the last game for Vipers and though we didn't start well, the fighting spirit was still amazing. We bite on til the end, giving the opponents no chance to let loose. That's the way, Vipers! And now I got more time to do my own things, more recovery time for my aching body.