22 December 2008
Stress and Bored...
I'm just a boring person who do routine stuffs, eating same meals everyday... What's so exciting to keep changing the food that I eat? Perhaps there's only 1 word that can describe me, BORING!
06 December 2008
NSL 2009 selections
After hanging the wet clothes, I quickly rushed down to buy my daily dosage of caffeine, "Kopi O" from the coffeeshop. Just can't imagine my life without it, I'll be stoning the whole day.
Went to Bedok Sports Hall for the selections and I only played 2 games for the entire 4 1/2 hours. The worst part is my right knee is swollen after the games. Sigh~~~ what's wrong again... Every now and then, I have been thinking of the worst scenario and I'm crossing my fingers now.
Got my NSL team which I think will be "Vipers". Yellow colour again... Oh my goodness... Can I have new colour?
24 October 2008
Baby Geraldine
It's just so amazing how a bb is delivered to this world... I was once a bb too but it's impossible to recall the 1st time I cried, the 1st time I made a sound...
I only know that I'm from the TANs family...
14 October 2008
Now... the worst is yet to come... there's still another BEEP test on this coming thursday. Oh no... will I reach level *? I do hope I can... *pray hard*
Hey readers, please vote for my poll.... I need to know...
13 October 2008
Unexpected + shocked
Not happy with the current situation and I don't know what causes it to happen. Ever since my ACL operation, things changed. It wasn't the same as before, in fact, I was left out. Today I saw her shocked face when I appeared. Shocked or guilt?
I tried to ignore the angrish emotions and I did it. I really wanted to leave very badly as I couldn't stand it anymore.
Tomorrow is fitness test and I have no idea how far I can reach this time round. Hope for the best!
06 October 2008
Doesn't pay to be kind
28 September 2008
F1 Amber Lounge
24 September 2008
Late for work
Learnt my lesson & I shall not snooze so much again...
21 September 2008
Long long tiring day
As usual, I'm an indecisive woman who wanted to go Bugis in the afternoon but changed my mind again due to my tiredness/sleepyness. Wanted to laze around in his house but he seemed to be very eager going out taking pictures using his new DSLR. Got told off by him when I told him that I wanted to stay home. :s
In the end, we went to Chinatown, Clarke Quay, Fort Canning before we went back... Today's weather is a killer, I really perspired...
Can't wait for next saturday to come... Going to F1 Amber Lounge!!!
17 September 2008
Running kick
I shall run slightly faster for my next run... Got to improve my speed, stamina... No more slacking...
15 September 2008
1st DSLR
11 September 2008
Restrict or not?
If you have doubts, don't read the posts...
In this stressed society, who's not stress? Unless one is brainless...
In a game, there's always a winner and a loser... And everyone wants to be the winner, who will be so generous to take the loser position? You?
Even our famous table tennis player lost the match in Olympics, should Singaporeans blame her?
Even the famous badminton player didn't make it too, should Singaporeans blame him?
Netball is a team sport, not an individual. True enough we lost the title but this is a new team that trained together for only 4 months. And this team consists of young players who need to be guided. Human beings do mistakes, so do players and you can't expect a player to be so perfect.
07 September 2008
I danced crazily yesterday & those around might be surprised. A stern-looking person on court will actually danced so crazy at the party. Perhaps it was a good to relax; been stressed up during the Nations Cup.
Seen the ugly & greedy side... The head is getting bigger and bigger...
04 September 2008
Nations Cup
Loss to Sri Lanka was indeed a disappointment;not only us but also the spectators who came specially came down to watch. I guessed we lacked of the desire to win on that day though we knew that we could have won.
Win over Samoa was good & it's a bonus to our young team. Being a new developed team with some oldies, I thought we did well in this game.
Loss to Papua New Guinea was another disappointment & I must admit that I played badly in that game. I just couldn't find the right time to go to the space I wanted & ended up delaying all the plays. We were "lost" when they put in consecutive goals due to our own mistakes which I thought we shouldn't have done. Well... it's over and we got to carry on with our next game.
"Never say die"
24 August 2008
Training camp
And my face got scratches during yesterday's game with 21s. That vain woman didn't even cut her fingernails short & she behaved like a cat; scratched my face with her fingernails. Damn~~~
A comment from a player: "Wow... so pia.."
I said: "So what? Pia at the wrong time." *laugh*
Was disappointed with my own play and shooting. Should I be more dominant or passive? Shooting has becoming worst... Wondering what the $&^#!@ am I thinking... Every moment I have been thinking on court, perhaps think too much. Can't wait for wednesday to come... And I can fully concentrate...
19 August 2008
Nations Cup is here!
16 August 2008
Training lasted for 3 hours and I'm glad it's over & it seemed like I had finished a carnival. For so long I had never eaten duck rice and it just tasted so yummy when I'm eating for my lunch. Yummy~~~ and the additional char siew... *slurp*
Team meeting finished at 5pm. Home sweet home~~
Fern went to clubbing with the rest. I'm supposed to go too but I didn't. Perhaps it's a good choice not to go as I got really terrible headache now. I guessed I got heat stroke.. "Alamak"
13 August 2008
08 August 2008
Looking back in the past when I sacrificed my precious times just to do netball trainings & it really taken away a lot of things from me. My career (which I haven't move on), my social life, my relationship (almost gone at a point of time), my degree. Should I blame NETBALL for taking away these stuffs? Well... I used to do so but 2nd thoughts came, why blame it when I still continue playing? I can just stop & have all my life back. I can only say that PASSION is in me.
Being national netballer isn't easy, you have to face a lot problems in school, work, home, friends. And when it comes to trainings, you just have to put aside all the problems and focus in trainings. It's tough, especially when you are sad after a quarrel/fight with your loved ones. How to focus?
I often ask myself, "If I ever stopped playing netball, will I have a bad figure?" Oops, though my figure is not that good now but you should know what I mean...
Fern had her tough days too... her studies weren't that outstanding (which is eyeshocking to me) and she got hard times coping with it. Though she couldn't continue her Honours, I'd never heard her complaining that NETBALL caused her to lose Honours. But she did nag that if she got HONOURS, she'll be earning few more hundred bucks.
Everyone has their own problems & it's how you deal with it with your own mind.
03 August 2008
Back from Perth Training Trip
Perhaps I missed those times Vicky, ex-national team manager, who often scolded us for being slow or not getting the things done correctly. In this manner, most of the players were scared of her & would have sense of urgency.
1st game against one of the ANL team & we really really played so badly. We just couldn't bond together or rather said that we played individually or trying to test one another's abilities.
2nd game against the Men's Team. Oh my god, they're super fast with their play, playing with their abilities & not being contactive. I could said that they are the gentlemen as they would hold you back when they knocked you down, unlike some other players. Bad game too... We just couldn't control our passes; slow & sloppy.
3rd game against the Men's Team again. Much better flow with a little bit of controlled passes & pace.
4th game against WAIS development & invitees. A younger group of players to challenge. Much better passes & we controlled the game quite well. And I had to be the "captain" for this game. I was soooooo nervous that at a point of time, I forgot that I'm the captain.
5th game against WAIS squad. Though the results was upsetting, we managed to play better as a team, knowing one anothers' abilities.
6th game against the Men's Team. At the 1st quarter, we managed to hit 12 goals for the attack side. That's a boost for us. But after that, we went into a slump. What happened? At the end of the game, the men were so sweet that they gave us little gifts wrapped up in pink.
Through this trip, I know what I need to improve. My runs as a GA were much more better but my shots were lousy. And the most important thing is I must get a TIP/INTERCEPTION! *angry* I didn't manage to do it in any single games & I swear that it'll be part of my goal from now on.
Through this trip, I could understand some players better & able to know whether the players has motives in their mind or players who are humble by nature. I could only adviced that being arrogant won't get you anywhere... so please be humble. At least people won't dislike you. =) And it's unhealthy to bring in the bad habits as we don't need that.
24 July 2008
I'm sorry~~~
17 July 2008
If I hesitate to brake for few seconds, I think 小白 will be gone... Really such a close shave & my heart was thumping on the way til I off the engine. Sigh~~ shall be more careful the next time. Err... no more next time... I rather receive the "horns" from others than to crash 小白.
The night is not young anymore & I started to talk rubbish. Hint : Time to sleep!
15 July 2008
Fitness test again
Sigh~~ Dislike those people who do things purposely just to know the truth. Ask la... Sigh~~~ Hopefully there'll be no commotion around & I shall be on low til it fades.
13 July 2008
12 July 2008
Already suspected why she's there to listen to conversation. To know more what's going on & go around spreading? Oops, I hope not. If not, I'll be mute.
09 July 2008
Last game for National League
At first I was like "huh..." but as the game progressed, she's very fair in umpiring. She called for the infringements, saw it and called for it. I was really impressed by her even though she had some weird calls. She reversed the penalty, advanced the ball when she found that the player was delaying the penalty. And again, I was really impressed.
I seldom praised umpire but Wai Yee, you are really GOOD!
Lost my cool on court because I really couldn't stand it, I had reached my max in tolerating. I'm sorry if you had my elbow but, you made me do it.
We played chasing game from the start til 3rd quarter & finally it's their turn to chase.
Luckily we won... but we aren't happy about it. We made it hard for ourselves... Sigh~~
BLAZE, Jia you!!!
04 July 2008
Knee hurts
Hmmm... the eyes of everyone who witnessed the "push". Seems like there's no improvement at all & every go, there's a "push". Something's wrong out there...
It was always so enjoyable training with Blaze. The laughters, the silly jokes we created, the "humiliation" we made, were all so family.
28 June 2008
Couldn't control the clutch (as usual) & now I know why people refused to drive a manual car. I was busy changing the gears while on my way. I'm beaten by this car today. Overall I really felt demoralising when driving.
I was pushed to do my max weight for the box squats at 85kg (with weights & barbell) & I could really feel my hamstring working very very hard...
Funny thing today: Hui Lin was encouraging me when I'm doing the dumbbell shoulder press. She went "1/2 way. Yes! You still looking good...blah blah blah." Once I finished my set, I told her not to encourage me next time as I really felt like giving up when she encouraged. Kinda funny but I couldn't take it. It made me feel soft-hearted & wanted to give up. Funny gal isn't it?
Joe surprised me by appearing in KNC. Wow... it's really a big surprise today... :) so happy...
22 June 2008
Lousy game
Shots were bad as I couldn't estimate the amount of energy I got to use in shooting. Perhaps it was the cause from the weights I did in the morning but still, there're no reason for missed shots!
We won eventually but the team weren't happy about it. And I guessed we knew what's the reason behind it.
Gd nite everyone... Have an enjoyable weekend. I do hope everyday is a Sunday.
18 June 2008
Thanks to "The Rock" who entertained me & Ling. That funny guy... trying to show off his muscles...
15 June 2008
What's so great being a national netballer?
Why do I still want to play competitive games?
How to balance my life?
Where's the support?
I really don't know. What should I say? Unlucky year? Like how others say on court, "Unlucky" Then when's lucky?
I'm trying to balance my life... but there're still faults...
07 June 2008
♣ Perth ♣
Today we drove to Fremantle & went to do market shopping. The fruits & vegetables look so nice & tempting... *drool* After marketing, we headed to Fisherman's Village which we took almost 1/2 to 1 hr to reach the destination. Had our lunch at the most famous Fish & Chips restaurant.
Headed to Harbour Town next where we spent most over there. Quite happy that I bought a casual dress which I couldn't find in Singapore. Legs are aching & now we are waiting for my dad's friends for dinner!!! PR time~
29 May 2008
I really needed to vent out the frustration within me...
I really wish that b***h will stay as a spinster for the rest of her entire life...I will wish this on my birthday or when I see a shooting star. I can't stand it!!! Stop acting in front of other people. The worst woman I've ever met.
28 May 2008
♣ Ice bathssss ♣
Comments for the monday game.
1. Frustrations were there when we started & I supposed we were angry with one another's play, especially after I strained my left leg quad muscle when I did 1 sprint during warm up. I couldn't afford to aggrevate it any further, if not, I need to rest on the bench.
2. Frustrations again. My players were penalised when the contacts were mild & when we were contacted really hard, not contesting, they weren't penalised. My goodness... well done, I can say.
3. Frustrations again. The players played damn super rough. Did they realise they are late for the interceptions? And poor Fern got to protect the ball but they just go for it. Why? Because umpires don't blow. That's why players were so ill-disciplined.
Strained my muscle on monday & got to train on tuesday. Lisa told me to go easy for the drills but it didn't turn out that way. Got to run very carefully for prevention & I almost got calf muscle pulls towards the end of the training.
I need ice bath... ice bath...
22 May 2008
♣ Do you remember... ♣
To all the rich kids, do not think that this is a lousy chocolate. Though it only cost $0.80 per packet, it's comparable to TOACKER.
♣ I need ICE BATH!!! ♣
Couldn't focus during the friendly game against 21s & I hated it... No fire today... Is just the sparks. It dies off one min & came back a few. Sigh~~~ Must be the confusion I had before the training started.
Time to buck up!!! I didn't do those stuffs which Lisa wanted us to do but I picked up a number of loose balls, that's just a luck.
I'll come back to my own psycho self again the next round.
Training at Jurong West Sports Complex isn't a great idea. Reached home @ 10.45pm which is kinda late. My sister is complaining & complaining...
21 May 2008
♣ 1st fitness test ♣
My vertical jump improved 1cm from the last year testing...
My sprinting... damn shiok... I had never run so fast before. So fast that even the instructors told me to run again as they couldn't believe that I could hit 1.99sec for 15m sprint. So I did it & I hit 1.98sec. Well done Yan!!! Deserves a clap...
Finally the yo yo test... I missed the previous testing & I only ran 720m for it. Sounds lousy & I really agreed but the intensity was so high. Well~~ it's ok. There're still room for improvements!!!
Sigh~~ Tomorrow's national training will be at Jurong West Sport Complex. So sad!!! It's so far away...
15 May 2008
♣ Good training session ♣
Don't know why there's discomfort at the back of my ACL leg. Muscles too tight? Or am I losing my strength? Sigh~~~ I need to work hard again...
I must continue to work hard!!!
14 May 2008
♣ Careless ♣
Just now before I had my dinner, I tried to hold a bowl of hot soup by 2 fingers (figured it out how to hold) & the finger got scalded after dipping into the soup.
I can't believe that I'm super careless today!!!
12 May 2008
♣ Unlucky day ♣
Not enough sleep... not enough time... Haven't really prepare for the next one & I'm gonna doomed!!!
04 May 2008
♣ Playing against cats? ♣
This is too much!!!
Hmm... I caught one wearing in attire talking to them in their playing attires. Something fishy... Is the one on their side? Does the one know the basic rules not to get involve? Really sucks...
21 April 2008
♣ Blushing ♣
How to be an influential person talking on the stage without the whole face flushing red?
Anyway... well done to my group!!!
17 April 2008
♣ Weekend off ♣
Training was so competitive nowdays which I don't know the reason behind it. I tried my best to be competitive by using my brain to think. I don't give a damn if you wanna challenge me, because I'll make sure it's a win-lose situation. Challenges make me grow to a even better one. Beware!!
Gonna buck up on my fitness which I haven't done it for so long. But I don't have the TIME!!!
13 April 2008
♣ Can be lousier? ♣
Thought one should be fair... I don't think so.
I'd been stretching my hamstring & it's kind of sore from the stretchings... Arghhh...
12 April 2008
♣ Weak ♣
Another exercise is the Glutes Ham Raise. Both of my hamstrings were really "activated" & doing their work, and my legs turned jelly jelly after doing it.
The bruise on my eye hasn't subsided yet, and thanks to the one who gave it to me. I got to live with "disfigured" face for 5 days at work. Time really passed so fast when there're tons of things to do at work, trainings. Though tiring, it's meaningful to me. I couldn't understand myself getting "devoted" into my work, but I will give my best once it's "dedicated" to me. How to say "NO"?
10 April 2008
♣ 初恋是一张试纸 ♣
06 April 2008
♣ Ferrari!!! ♣
31 March 2008
♣ 遇上倒霉鬼 ♣
30 March 2008
♣ NSL - Vipers against Stingrays ♣
I couldn't tell the 3 sec held ball rule. It's so inconsistent in it. What's contact & what's obstruction?
Heard rumors about an UNDERAGED girl telling people that she got a girlfriend whom she's with for a year. I think she must be on drugs & hallucinating about this or rather say she's gaga over her idol? Sometimes I really wonder what's in their mind? Spreading rumors & talking rubbish to other people. What are they trying to prove?
I really couldn't stand these 2 days of NSL. So much nonsense from different people which were so frustrating.
29 March 2008
♣ NSL "Wipers" vs "Allowanas" ♣
But the good news was, my hamstring was cleared!!! Right hamstring was slightly stronger than the left.
Game started smoothly & shooters were converting the shots & I was "convinced" that we might be able to win the game. Outcome wasn't what I expected.
Fatigue comes into play very soon which leads to poor performance, poor vision, poor options. Everyone do gets fatigue at a point, is just a matter of how one controls it.
Team game needs the unit to work together & perform.
I can only give advice, not solution.
Words came out from my mouth were bad omen...
"The girl's taping was quite similiar to ACL taping. Somemore put on knee brace. Does she have ACL?" I was referring to "Allowanas" GA.
And during the game, she got herself injured after trying to save the ball. She couldn't move at all, couldn't stand up properly, couldn't walk by herself. Hmm... familiar scene... I shall asked around about her condition & see if it's really ... Anyway she should take a break from netball...
Don't tell me I can foresee thing?
27 March 2008
♣ 蜻蜓的故事 ♣
26 March 2008
♣ Beyond control ♣
But I guessed I got to deal it in my own ways, to sort things out. I'm playing against the time... from 7.20am to 6.30pm, mondays to fridays. Rushing & rushing, and everytime I asked myself, "Is it worth to do?"
"Things aren't beyond my control..." I almost burst into tears yesterday when I really couldn't take it, & thanks to the little sad love story read by the DJ, I teared.
Losing my faith & hope everytime things turned sour.
24 March 2008
♣ Fresh start ♣
The lecturer was so naggy & kept saying good things about ITE. Though the lesson was a bit dry, I managed to pull it through.
Got to work harder now... I don't have much time to do what I want. No time for weights, no time for luxury, no time for pleasure... even NSL is starting soon... my goodness...
Just endure for 2 years...
19 March 2008
♣ Passed!!! ♣
I can't wait for Friday to come!!! It's GOOD FRIDAY!!!
I needed a break badly...
I wanna go on holidays.... to where? Korea? Japan? Rome?
Sigh~~~ No $ no talk..
16 March 2008
♣ Passionfruit is in town ♣
♣ S.P.A.M ♣
After the lady clarified with the "man", "he" came & apologised to us & said he will slot us in after fashion show 2. And the one came & be a parrot of the "man". I was so pissed off & told Fern, "Wow, now so eager to inform us!" I bet she heard it but no choice, I was super duper pissed off. And she tried to be nice by coming over to tell us where the snacks were & I gave her a "don't come & trigger me" look.
No more rehearsal after that & everyone got to go on with whatever they need to do. We were guessing whether they will forget us again. And true indeed, they really forgot. Until we were beside the one again. She saw us & panicky, she talked on the walkie talkie & said "netballers are here. netballers are here." Arghhh!!!! Super irritating!!! No choice, we got to "parade" ourselves with our own netball shorts (luckily it's ours), size M jackets & size S sports bra (provided by them). It was a joke! The MCs don't know what to talk about Netball!!!
The clowns were the "boys" from Dragonboat. 2 of them actually did push ups trying to show off in front of us. Trying to impress?
15 March 2008
♣ Biodex test again ♣
Just for a change, I started with my ACL leg first instead of the good leg. It really felt good doing today than the previous time I did it.
Good news : I have 14% of deficit but the total work is 19%.
I have another 2 more weeks to pump the ACL leg again. Hopefully I can "graduate" from there.
Today is the happiest time I've ever been for the past 10 months.
11 March 2008
♣ Muscles big big lah ♣
On my way back home, I thought about the times when I had my ACL operation. Thanks to those who stayed by my side til I finished the op. I'm really grateful to you all though I tend to forget sometimes.
After looking through the namelists of the nsl teams, Fern told me to be careful of that crazy woman. She's playing!!! Will she go crazy again?
I envy the rest. I hope to do my best for myself,& nobody else.
07 March 2008
♣ Tougher & tougher ♣
Open squad did total of 19 sets of shuttle runs. I really can't imagine how will I survive that... I need to buck up...
It's getting nearer & nearer & I really hate it...
05 March 2008
♣ blah blah blah ♣
Things aren't getting as simple as I thought nowadays... If you try to be funny, be prepare to get played back.
This is only the start & I felt sick about it already. How am I suppose to go through it for the next few years?
*shout* "I'm restless with insufficent rest... I want freedom back..."
04 March 2008
♣ 1st national training of 2008 ♣
I just realised that I'm the OLDEST in this current national squad. *cry*
I won't be doing court work/ play games for the next 3 weeks until I do the test again & hopefully I can clear it. Fern said that people will start to question me like "Why can you play World Champs when you weren't cleared?" If you were in my shoes, will you go for it? Right now there's no major competition & I really want my leg to be fully recovered.
If anyone thinks it's easy to clear, then please have an ACL injury & go through it.
You won't understand how I feel as you only think for yourselves.
Can anyone imagine the soreness at the back of the knee & you can't even straighten the leg after all the trainings/games?
01 March 2008
♣ Not passed! ♣
Good news : ACL leg has grown stronger.
Bad news : Good leg also grown stronger.
Sigh~~~ In the end, I'm not cleared yet. Soooo frustrating!!!
NSL selection has changed the format & this time round Lisa, the natioal coach, will allocate national players into the teams. Arghhh~~ I don't want to play for xxx.
28 February 2008
♣ NSL selection ♣
I want to be more happy playing for the team rather than being discouraged all the time. Let's hope I'm lucky enough this year. And... NO MORE INJURIES!!! I'm out for half a season for 2 years of NSL & it's enough. I want to finish the whole rounds...
27 February 2008
♣ Stronger than yesterday ♣
I'm packed with trainings next week & I do hope it will not be so high intensity. My only rest day will be... Sunday...
Jia you ba~~~
26 February 2008
♣ National Squad 2008 ♣
Often this question has been popping into my mind "Will my leg be as good as before?"
Out of sudden, I thought of this song.
Hope that there'll be another "member" coming into my family, CAR.
Needed this "member" once training starts. I can't imagine myself taking bus & train back home, reaching at 11pm. Gosh~~~ If not, $15.00 will be donated to these organisations (Comfort, Citycab, SMRT, SMART, Silvercab) 4 times per week.
23 February 2008
♣ L ♣
Finally we reached her place & I was totally aiming at the food. Nice decoration, especially her room; door-less toilet. ~Woo~ it's kind of interesting... *grin* What I like most is her kitchen basin. ok ok.... I could imagine people laughing at me while reading this part. The basin was big & deep which I really like. Just imagine yourself not getting wet while washing dishes.
Going back home was another draining journey but I just couldn't doze off in the bus. Went to watch L change the WorLd with Ah Wei.

Well~~ this time round, it's not about death note but it's about how L solved the case solely by himself. Worth the $ to watch.
21 February 2008
♣ National Squad Selection ♣
Seems like the 1st few games were unenjoyable & Lisa came up & gathered all of us, giving us the stuffs that she wanted to see on court. Simple things : Hands up defence, Play the ball straight down instead passing to the side.
Finally the selections ended before 9.30pm & here I am blogging again. I was disappointed that I didn't strike Toto. Arghhh!!!
27 January 2008
♣ End of Daisy Tan Carnival ♣
Round 2 of Daisy Tan Carnival with 8 teams of ladies playing... Luckily the umpires were kinda good at catching infringements, or rather say they actually blow for infringements. Needed all these calls when playing against rougher teams.
History breaker in 2008 : Blaze got 1st!!!
We've been waiting for this day for so long~~~
26 January 2008
♣ Yummmmm Cha!!! ♣
The pleasure to enjoy the aroma, sipping the tea slowly was so refreshing!
Enjoyed the tea without gulping it down... was totally fascinated by the aroma...
Found an interesting stuff...
What Hui Yan Means |
You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out. Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia. Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person. You are a very lucky person. Things just always seem to go your way. And because you're so lucky, you don't really have a lot of worries. You just hope for the best in life. You're sometimes a little guilty of being greedy. Spread your luck around a little to people who need it. You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing. You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long. You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start. You are a free spirit, and you resent anyone who tries to fence you in. You are unpredictable, adventurous, and always a little surprising. You may miss out by not settling down, but you're too busy having fun to care. You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection. You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. You have the classic "Type A" personality. You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people. You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts. You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals. |
25 January 2008
♣ Skip training ♣
Well... Been working hard since I didn't want to go out further from my house area so I did my runs. Today was a miracle when my youngest sis wanted to run with me!!! Oh my gosh!!! Nice run & I made her do squats & lunges.
Special day~~~
18 January 2008
♣ Buck up time ♣
Through thinking is not enough to make a success but through actions, they can. Imagine if you keep thinking that you will slim down 1 day without doing any single exercises & be a couch potato, will you really slim down? It's not hard trying, it's the start to do things that's hardest.
It's easy to let things fly past you but will you be able to catch them when you realise how much they mean to you?
Impressed that these stuffs came out from thoughts without thinking twice.
I'm going back for rehab tomorrow & will ache badly on sunday. I swear...
17 January 2008
♣ Unstable Emotions ♣
Thanks for telling what's wrong.
With this excuse, it's easier to flare the emotions out after bottling so much stuffs inside.
And thanks to the Korean drama, The Coffee Prince.
This is part of the excuse to flare emotions.
Does anyone share the same sentiments?
♣ Extra hard efforts ♣
07 January 2008
♣ Pissed or Peace ♣
You had made us become even stronger when the judgements were not consistent. With this inconsistency, we had no choice but to do tougher & be rougher. It's not fair when one side was penalised & the other wasn't.
I'm totally pissed off by the inconsistent judgements by you. When's the judgement when one was over my body? Do you know I got to use my entire body weight to support one's bodyweight when the one wasn't that light? I'm playing netball, not rugby!!!
06 January 2008
♣ A day with entertainments ♣
"Mission sex control" - comedy & a good educational on birth control.
04 January 2008
♣ Facial products are here!!! ♣
03 January 2008
♣ 2008 ♣
Politics are everywhere & I can't stand it. I need to get out from it as soon as possible.
Hypocrites? I've seen it which I can't even stand it. Too fake... endotherm at boiling point, ectotherm at freezing point.
What to do?