28 June 2008

Was looking forward to drive the Toyota Vios to training but I was disappointed by my own driving. Perhaps it was the long period of time since I drove a manual car & the car was stalled 3 times in 30 mins.

Couldn't control the clutch (as usual) & now I know why people refused to drive a manual car. I was busy changing the gears while on my way. I'm beaten by this car today. Overall I really felt demoralising when driving.

I was pushed to do my max weight for the box squats at 85kg (with weights & barbell) & I could really feel my hamstring working very very hard...

Funny thing today: Hui Lin was encouraging me when I'm doing the dumbbell shoulder press. She went "1/2 way. Yes! You still looking good...blah blah blah." Once I finished my set, I told her not to encourage me next time as I really felt like giving up when she encouraged. Kinda funny but I couldn't take it. It made me feel soft-hearted & wanted to give up. Funny gal isn't it?

Joe surprised me by appearing in KNC. Wow... it's really a big surprise today... :) so happy...

22 June 2008

Lousy game

Had a lousy game today against Labten & I must admit that I couldn't focus throughout the game. Not because of complacency but the main reason was I slept for too long in the afternoon. This time round the coffee didn't help by giving me a wake up call & lower back was aching so badly after the nap.

Shots were bad as I couldn't estimate the amount of energy I got to use in shooting. Perhaps it was the cause from the weights I did in the morning but still, there're no reason for missed shots!

We won eventually but the team weren't happy about it. And I guessed we knew what's the reason behind it.

Gd nite everyone... Have an enjoyable weekend. I do hope everyday is a Sunday.

18 June 2008


Since weekend til today, I finally laughed heartily. Friends are so funny when they tried to create nonsense in front of lecturer. "Craps!" That's the term they used in today's lecture. And I must say the lecturer was abit "lo soh" and his lecture is too dry that makes my eyeballs keep rolling;falling asleep soon.

Thanks to "The Rock" who entertained me & Ling. That funny guy... trying to show off his muscles...

15 June 2008

There're so much thoughts today...

What's so great being a national netballer?
Why do I still want to play competitive games?
How to balance my life?
Where's the support?

I really don't know. What should I say? Unlucky year? Like how others say on court, "Unlucky" Then when's lucky?

I'm trying to balance my life... but there're still faults...

07 June 2008

♣ Perth ♣

Yoohoo~~~ Been on a trip with Fern & Ling & the rest joining (Jean, Joanne, Pearline & her hubby) to Perth for holiday, meeting Kate, shopping, sightseeing & watching Kate's ANZ team game. We rented a car with no GPS & took ages to reach our destination. It was fun though with frustrations in us when we couldn't find the place.

Today we drove to Fremantle & went to do market shopping. The fruits & vegetables look so nice & tempting... *drool* After marketing, we headed to Fisherman's Village which we took almost 1/2 to 1 hr to reach the destination. Had our lunch at the most famous Fish & Chips restaurant.

Headed to Harbour Town next where we spent most over there. Quite happy that I bought a casual dress which I couldn't find in Singapore. Legs are aching & now we are waiting for my dad's friends for dinner!!! PR time~