08 August 2008

I'm in for the Nations Cup team & which means I got to do a lot of extra work. I'm very busy preparing for the tests again. So fast... every 3 months I got to face the tests... stress...

Looking back in the past when I sacrificed my precious times just to do netball trainings & it really taken away a lot of things from me. My career (which I haven't move on), my social life, my relationship (almost gone at a point of time), my degree. Should I blame NETBALL for taking away these stuffs? Well... I used to do so but 2nd thoughts came, why blame it when I still continue playing? I can just stop & have all my life back. I can only say that PASSION is in me.

Being national netballer isn't easy, you have to face a lot problems in school, work, home, friends. And when it comes to trainings, you just have to put aside all the problems and focus in trainings. It's tough, especially when you are sad after a quarrel/fight with your loved ones. How to focus?

I often ask myself, "If I ever stopped playing netball, will I have a bad figure?" Oops, though my figure is not that good now but you should know what I mean...

Fern had her tough days too... her studies weren't that outstanding (which is eyeshocking to me) and she got hard times coping with it. Though she couldn't continue her Honours, I'd never heard her complaining that NETBALL caused her to lose Honours. But she did nag that if she got HONOURS, she'll be earning few more hundred bucks.

Everyone has their own problems & it's how you deal with it with your own mind.

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